2021-09-27T11:03:15-04:0027th September 2021|

Baby Wash to Head to Toe

Prepare for baby bath time with this Baby Wash to Head to Toe! This formulation features AGENAMALT 20.235 which is a free-flowing, very easily soluble powder with a low hygroscopic character and consists of a mixture of saccharides without any starch. This ingredient is is produced by saccharification and spray-drying of organic corn. Phase Trade [...]

2020-01-28T12:36:59-05:006th March 2019|

Decalact Deo Spray with AGENAMALT 20.235

[table id=14 /] PROCEDURE 1. Charge DI water with propeller mixing, add remainder of phase A. 2. In a side container, combine ingredients of phase B while mixing. 3. Add phase B to main. 4. Once fully incorporated, add phase C. 5. Adjust pH for 5,5 – 6,0.

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