2020-09-09T15:38:25-04:009th September 2020|

Age Defense Sleeping Facial Mask

Age Defense Sleeping Facial Mask makes use of its long contact time with the skin to provide skin hydration, protection, and radiance all in one product, with no extra steps to your day to day beauty routine. This formulation features HyaCare which is a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid from a safe, non-pathogenic source that [...]

2021-11-05T16:04:09-04:005th November 2021|

All Day Mask with Tremella

This All Day Mask with Tremella features the ingredient HyaCare® Tremella. Hyacare® Tremella, derived from the Tremella Fuciformis Sporocarp Mushroom, is a naturally isolated hyaluronic acid mimic with great moisturization and exceptional water retention properties. Well known in asian traditional medicine, Mushrooms show a great nutritional profile. Hyacare® Tremella has the following benefits such as [...]

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