2021-08-30T12:04:51-04:0030th August 2021|

Micellar Fruit Water

This Micellar Fruit Water is a soft touch tonic with skin-protecting properties. This Micellar Fruit Water formulation features ingredients such as Verstatil® BL non GMO which is a synergistic blend of sodium benzoate with the skin conditioning agent levulinic acid, derived from non-GMO sources. This raw material has excellent antimicrobial activity and can be applied [...]

2020-10-30T16:27:30-04:0030th October 2020|

Natural Clear & Pure Shampoo

This Natural Clear & Pure Shampoo is a transparent shampoo formulation with pleasant viscosity and flow characteristics. It has a well-balanced surfactant composition and good caring properties. This formulation features TEGO® Betain F 50 which is a very pure, mild, concentrated surfactant. It exhibits good foaming and thickening properties. dermofeel P-30 MB is a natural [...]

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